National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges

275 Cuba Street, Ground Floor, WELLINGTON

We are a women’s organisation for women and their children, here to help prevent and stop family violence in New Zealand.

If you are experiencing any form of abuse in your family or your relationship, or know someone who is, there are many ways we can help you – for free, and confidentially.

We’d love to help whether you have children or not. Women’s Refuge can:

  • talk to you if you’re worried about your safety in your relationship and help you make a Safety Plan
  • provide a safe place to go to if you need help urgently
  • help you stand up for your needs whether or not you are thinking about leaving.

We are an independent, bicultural community organisation and have support services designed especially for children, young people, Māori women, Pasifika women and migrant and refugee women. We also assist lesbian women, older women and women with disabilities.

You can contact us at Women’s Refuge to get help and advice about talking to friends or family members you worry are being abused emotionally, physically, sexually, spiritually or financially.