Wellington HELP

PO Box 11160, Manners St, Wellington 6142
125 Victoria Street Wellington Wellington 6011 NZ

Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP works with survivors of sexual abuse and their whānau – of any age, gender, sexuality or ethnicity. We provide a 24 hour support line, social work and counselling services for anyone who has experienced rape or sexual abuse, or who is concerned about a friend or family member.

We have been working with survivors of sexual abuse in the Wellington region since 1985, and in Porirua since 2005. We also cover the Kāpiti coast.
HELP is a charitable trust which relies on government and philanthropic grants for its operation, as well as donations from the public.

Our Mission

We work to reduce the impact of sexual violence on individuals, families and communities. We do this through:

  • our 24/7 support line
  • social work
  • counselling and other therapies
  • cooperation and collaboration with other service providers, both government and non government, and the wider community.