Ground Floor, Freemason House, 195 Willis Street, Wellington
2 Tacy Street
0800 559 0090800 559 009
The services we offer
Helping people into work
- Workshops and practical advice for getting work.
- Training, seminars or work experience to build up confidence and skills.
- Grants and subsidies to encourage employers to provide work.
- Income support to help people get into, and stay in work.
- Practical support for people with the right experience to start a business.
Supporting employers
Providing income support
- Benefits for people unable to support themselves.
- Allowances for people on low-to-middle incomes.
- Superannuation for people who are aged 65 years or more.
- Pensions for ex-service people.
- Loans and allowances for students.
We can grant you financial assistance from the date you first contact us, if you complete your application within 20 working days of that date.
There is also a Community Services Card to help with medical costs – and other payments to help out if you have an immediate need for an essential item or service.